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Transitional Housing program (thp)

THP provides safe and stable living arrangements for homeless youth who are actively involved in school and/or employment, requiring them to allocate 30% of their income towards rent, which is reimbursed upon program completion. Serving as a crucial link between emergency shelter and achieving permanent self-sustained housing, THP offers a transitional period for young individuals to learn the responsibilities of managing a home. 

Ages: 18-24

Length of stay: Up to two years

Co-ed with 12 beds

General area: Rosemont

Referral source: Internal referral after completion of our emergency shelter programs.

Case management: The program encompasses continuous intensive case management featuring tailored service plans, along with assistance in employment and education, advocacy for mental health, and training in life skills, all aimed at achieving housing stability.


Permanent supportive housing (PSH)

PSH offers long-term housing assistance alongside supportive services, facilitating 12 transitional-aged youth households with disabilities in achieving housing stability. Wind Youth Services extends shared housing options for PSH clients, collaborating with case managers to facilitate their transition into adult PSH for ongoing permanent housing stability. This integrated approach aims to provide comprehensive support for youth experiencing homelessness, ensuring a pathway towards sustained housing security.

Ages: 18- completion of program

Length of stay: Ongoing

Co-ed with 12 beds

General location:  Currently, there are two shared housing units located in the South Sacramento and Cordova areas.

Referral source: PSH referrals are not internal and are streamlined through TAY Case Conferencing and the local Continuum of Care (CoC), necessitating specific documentation within the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).

Case management: The program encompasses continuous intensive case management featuring tailored service plans, assistance in employment and education, advocacy for mental health, and training in life skills, all tailored to address the unique needs of individuals with disabilities.

Contact Us

Wind Youth Services

Drop-in Center

815 S Street 

Sacramento, CA 95811


(916) 504-3313

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